📄️ Basic usage
Quick start
📄️ Customizing registration in MonoBehaviours
This feature is specific for MonoBehaviours. For an example in pure C# see using eventbus outside of monobehaviours
📄️ Static [Listener] methods
Very straight forward, works out of the box.
📄️ Using the EventBus in pure C#
📄️ Dynamic/Runtime Listener registration
You might want to add a listener during runtime for a certain event. Have a look at the below snippet
📄️ Async usage
To send out messages in an async manner using UniTask you can call the .SendAsync() and .SendAsyncForget() methods
📄️ Listeners with dependencies
A stumble block you might encounter due to the unordered nature of how listeners are registered is that you would want ListenerA to run before ListenerB. And ListenerC to run after ListenerB.